A septic system can fail loudly, with an alarm sounding, or it can fail more quietly. If you hear your septic system alarm, call a service provider immediately; leave a message if you have to. You can usually turn the alarm off, but don’t let that silence lull you into forgetting you have a problem. An alarm can indicate an over-full tank, a back-up, or the failure of one or more system components.

When a septic system fails, untreated sewage can travel to places where it shouldn’t be. It can surface on the ground near the septic system, or back up into your home pipes, or seep into groundwater and marine water without any indication.

Signs of a failing system include:

  • Water or sewage backing up in toilets, drains, and sinks 

  • Slow draining bathtubs, showers, and sinks 

  • Gurgling sounds in the plumbing system

  • Standing water or damp spots near the septic tank or drainfield

  • Bad odors around the septic tank or drainfield

  • Bright green, spongy lush grass over the septic tank or drainfield, even during dry weather

  • Algal blooms in nearby ponds or lakes

  • High levels of nitrates or coliform bacteria in water wells