Our Favorite Septic Resources

  • Steph Begley

    Steph has a sand filter system that can be finicky. She's had to learn the system due to alarms going off at inconvenient times and wants to help her community learn about their own systems to prevent those types of surprises.

    Steph’s top picks:

    Septic Homeowners Manual (Seattle/King County Public Health)

    Septic System Repair and Replacement Flow Chart

  • Dione Mazzolini

    Dione lives in Dockton with a gravity system. For a short time, she worked for the Virginia Dept of Health designing and inspecting septic systems and drinking water wells. 

    Dione’s top picks:

    These Septic System Basics videos from the state Department of Health are quite comprehensive and easy-to-understand.

  • Jane Slade

    Jane is a Vashon homegirl who moved back to the rock and into an old house with an ancient septic system. It promptly failed and she got a crash course in septic. She currently resides in Burton with a functional pressure distribution system.

    My Septic Card helps me keep track of what and where my septic system is and how I’ve maintained it.

    Mason County’s Septic User Manual is clearly written with lots of helpful content.

  • Anne Atwell

    Anne lives on Maury Island. She has a 40-year-old gravity system that works very well. Here are some of her favorite septic resources.

    Anne’s top picks:

    This Septic Tank Location drawing by a Vashon neighbor is a nice substitute for an as-built drawing.

    Vashon-Maury Island User’s Manual is a comprehensive, thoughtfully presented guide to protecting island eco-systems.